
Staying Ahead of the Curve: Digital Trends for 2023

Thoughts -

It’s 2023, and the digital landscape seems to be changing faster than ever before. It can be difficult to predict what’s going to happen next week, never mind this year! But our Digital team has given it a try, anyway. We asked them what they think will be the biggest digital trends of 2023, and here’s what they had to say:

“I see a trend of moving away from centralised social media and content providers like Twitter and Instagram, and a shift towards smaller, federated platforms that can interact with one another. This has already begun with the migration from Twitter to Mastodon in the past year. As people become more conscious of their data and the need to have control over it, rather than relying on the large social media companies, the potential for the “fediverse” and its available integrations will continue to expand at a rapid rate.” – Josh, Junior Web Developer

“In my opinion, the next major advancement in technology will revolve around artificial intelligence (AI) products. Every day, new platforms are being introduced that push the boundaries of what is possible with AI. The ability to create entirely realistic video characters using AI is truly astounding, and it’s becoming increasingly accessible to the average internet user. Additionally, I must express my excitement for Chat GPT and its potential in the digital industry. Even in its early stages, it has shown tremendous promise. I believe that Chat GPT (or similar products) will dominate in any field where there is a potential application for them.” – Yasin, Senior Web Developer

“We have noticed a significant shift towards headless architecture among our clients in recent months. This approach allows for the separation of the front-end and back-end of a website or application, which in turn, enables greater flexibility and scalability. It’s a trend that we anticipate will continue to gain traction in 2023 as businesses look for ways to adapt to the ever-changing digital landscape.” – Paul, Head of Digital

“One main upcoming change is Google’s change to Google Analytics 4. It’s the latest version of Google’s web and app analytics platform. It was announced in October 2020, and will have a significant effect on how data is captured, providing more data and insights into user interactions with websites and applications. This should allow businesses to make more informed decisions around how they map out user journeys and call to actions, as well as better insight into demographics and user types.” – Shane, Digital Consultant

2023 is certainly shaping up to be an exciting year in the digital space! Here at Agent, it’s important for us that we’re constantly looking forward, so we can make sure our clients stay ahead of the curve. What do you think this year’s big digital trends will be?

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